Office of International Education Webinar (Recording)
Hello and welcome to going global with Georgia Tech.
Today we're going to be going over study abroad global internships. The international plan on campus internationalization and how to stay up to date with the office of international education. First, we want to show you where yellowjackets go. As you can see Yellow Jackets kind of go all over the world. This map represents A with all the pins. Represents are two main types of program study abroad, broken into exchange programs and faculty LED study abroad and also our global internship programs.
So this kind of represents where a lot of our students go. The global internship program is a program where students find their own internships or they work with us to find an internship and is a great and awesome program to explore the world.
But before you can go abroad, you have to know what you need to do to be eligible to be eligible. Students must be at least 18 years old. We have some really smart and talented students who come to us who are not quite 18 years old. Yet the rule is is that students must be 18 by the time they step on the plane to go to their international experience than I do you want to make sure and say that to be eligible to study abroad and do a global internship? These are the eligibility requirements.
Students must be a full time degree seeking student at Tech. They must have completed at least two semesters of college level degree seeking study. So that means if a student comes to Georgia Tech as a first year in the fall, the first time that they're eligible to study abroad would be the summer of their first year.
Students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. We want students to be successful here on campus before we send them out into the world on different programs. And we do need to note that some programs has some GPA requirements. Typically, the GPA requirement is going to be a 3.0, but some programs offer some flexibility where the GPO can be less than or the GPA can be less than a 3.0, or it could be higher. Some of our exchange programs in different parts of the world are highly competitive to get into and sometimes require higher GPS.
To find information about this, students are invited to investigate their options at atlasgatech.edu and I'll make sure it had that hyper link at the end of this presentation.
When students study abroad with Georgia Tech, it's important to know that they're going to earn in residence academic credit. All of our 35 undergraduate majors are able to earn academic credit for the major that they're setting for, and it's important to know that this is an residents credit. As students get older and they progress through their academic career at Georgia Tech, they're eventually going to hear about something called the 36 hour rule. The 36 hour rule says that students must take their last 30 six hours, as in residence credit.
This means that one students are eligible to study abroad. There actually able to study abroad all the way through their last semester at Georgia Tech as they are earning an residence credit while they're sitting abroad on one of our programs. We don't always recommend that students wait until their last semester at Tech to be able to study abroad or do a global internship, but if that's what works best with their scheduled then that is Totaly Permissible.
Students can study or intern abroad in the fall spring summer or for a full academic year most programs are going to charge the end state tuition rate the most notable exception is at the Georgia Tech Lorraine campus charges out-of-state students a an additional fee the feed this year starting in the fall of 2020 is going to be $6315 for students who study abroad at Georgia Tech who are also out of state or not Georgia residents.
When you say with Georgia Tech, you can go with a group like a faculty LED study abroad program. So these are kind of the programs that students have heard of, like the Oxford Program, it could be a major specific program like the aerospace engineering program in Limerick, Ireland, or it could be like a language program like we have several L bats or a number of L batch, rather where students can go to places like South Korea, China, Japan, Spain, Mexico and study the language on an L baton.
Albert stands for language, business and technology.
Financial considerations are always an important part of an international experience. It's important to note that out of state, students are going to pay the in state tuition rate once again. That notable exception is our Georgia Tech Lorraine Campus, which will charge out-of-state students an additional $6315 beginning in the fall of 2020.
It's also important to note that financial aid is going to travel with students. That includes scholarships, grants and loans, and these scholarships also include hoping Zell Miller so really important to know that study abroad can definitely be affordable. In addition, there are outside scholarships available. The Office of international education actually administers about 9 different buns students can apply for all those scholarships with one application, so nine different scholarships. With one application, we have at least two application cycles per year, so.
That students can try to apply more than one time. We have one in October, and that's for students studying abroad in the spring or summer terms. Or we also have one in February, and that's for students setting abroad during an academic year. A fall or summer term. The average award for an oy scholarship is about $2500, and there are some additional campus scholarships available. For instance, the civil civil environmental engineering offers scholarships to its students to study abroad or have an international experience.
There's also the cow and fun for students to be able to go on, like the leadership for social good program. There is a scholarship to go on the camper or sorry there are camping more scholarships for students to study abroad with one of the elb at programs In addition to many others. Finally, we also have national scholarships that students can apply for an. These are like the Gilman, the boron or the critical language scholarship and a number of other ones as well. But our students tend to do really well.
For these scholarships, because national scholarships tend to help under represented students study abroad and underrepresented students can apply to being men. It can be applied to students who are stem, so students were or who are setting science, technology, engineering or math and so these can really workout well for our student populations.
And then we also have a scholarship advisor in our office who is happy to help students sort out what scholarships are eligible to apply for an. We also host how to afford study abroad information sessions on a fairly regular basis during the regular semester.
Moving on to global internships and global internships allow students to do an internship abroad and industry research, startup, nonprofit and governmental settings. So several different fields that students can in turn in an global internships are by nature very competitive. So most of our students will do a global internship and their third, 4th, or 5th year students can find these internships on their own. They can find them through some search engines that we have. We also have some providers who will help students to find internships.
And of course we have staff in our office to help advise students on how to search and how to be competitive for internships. The majority of our internships do pay about 75% of them actually pay the equivalent to the local cost of living and the global internship program can also be compatible with some of the other programs that run on campus, like the Coop program, study abroad, and the international plan. So if a student is participating in the Coop program, they it. They're working for an international company.
And that has branches here in the US they can do their first coop coop terms in the US and then do their third Co-op abroad. So that's pretty awesome. If you have questions we're happy to answer those and also give you more information about these.
There are a number of ways to go international whenever you're at Georgia Tech that are In addition to or in place of study or interning abroad, so students can do international service learning, they can go to international conferences. There are a number of different ways, and you can actually participate in our office with this. You can register your travel with us and that ensures that you get international insurance. International travel insurance that helps you while you're abroad with medical and.
Also host of things and it helps us to know if anything happens in a part of the world where our students are so that we can make sure that they are safe.
We also have the international plan. The international plan is the degree designator an what that means is that it is basically kind of like an honors program for study abroad, are interning abroad, and so with any honors programs or requirements to that students must satisfy and the international plan requirements are that students must take three globally focused courses and a senior capstone course within their major. There are currently 27 participating majors with the international plan an these goals.
Globally focused courses are typically courses that students would be taking anyways as part of the regular degree plan, but they have an international focus. So instead of just taking economics, student might take global economics.
Students would also participate in at least 20 six weeks of setting or interning abroad, and so everything that I've talked about up until this point.
Weather that setting abroad with the group are sitting in Brown exchange were doing a global internship. Can help to satisfy these this 26 week requirement so students could study abroad with the Oxford program. Do another exchange program or maybe do a global internship for a year or do a study abroad for a year. There's a whole host of ways that students can combine different international experiences to help satisfy the requirements for the international plan.
Students must also demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language, so if you're someone who's been studying Spanish since middle school or something like that, you can actually show that you already speak a foreign language and everything, as long as she tide into the international plan that can help to satisfy those requirements. Or if you get to Georgia Tech like man, I would really love to study German and everything you can totally do that so you can start setting German or one of the other 9 languages that we teach.
And potentially use that as their international plan language. It just takes 2 years worth of study to be able to be proficient enough to go and study in a foreign country on using your language skills.
And so you just seem to be too at least for 2001 level.
And as part of the international plan after taking these courses spending 26 weeks abroad and also gaining skills in a foreign language and everything you're definitely going to be developing intercultural skills and a global perspective of your major and that is going to definitely help whenever students enter the workforce as they're looking for jobs as they are trying to progress forward in working different teams with international folks from all over the world, so really good degree designation goes on your transcript goes on your diploma.
And it's just a wonderful way to show the world that you've made international activities apart of your actual degree.
We also have some on campus internationalization opportunities. We currently have the global leadership, living, learning community and this is a first year living learning community with about 118 different students. Anas, based on the based off of the United Nations 2017 sustainable development goals, students must take one course per semester and it's basically trying to learn and support the United Nations sustainable development goals.
And everything so there's a showcase of, like the projects that students work on together and how they can present real world solutions to help me or help us to achieve the sustainable development goals.
There's also the International House or I house this living learning community is made up of 50% GT degree seeking students, so 50% of domestic students and 50% of international are incoming exchange students. And so what's really cool is that a student can live in my house after their first year and potentially live with people that they might be going to school with if they do an exchange abroad. So my favorite example is one of our students. He lived in the house for, I think, a year or two.
Anne was living with students and then he eventually went and did his study abroad semester and got to got to visit those students while he was over there because he was now at their school. So it's really interesting and very cool. Um, lots of interaction. Lots of getting to know each other and also, you know learn from those situations.
And that's kind of the basic broad overview of what we do in the office of international education. We have a lot that goes on and we would love to communicate more about this. If you'd like to look at our programs in particular, you can always investigate them at Atlas dot dot tech.edu. That's that first link at the top under stay in touch. You can also look for different scholarship opportunities at the second leak underneath there. Or you could just email us and ask us questions if there's something that you would like to ask specifically.
But if there's nothing earth thank you so much for your time up and for your attention. An if you need anything from us. Like I said, just shoot us an email when we're back in the office. Were happy to meet you there. But thank you so much and I hope that you have a wonderful day. Thank you goodbye.